Monday, September 14, 2009

Snack Invention! Survey Says....??

We have fallen in love with Nutella at our house. My daughter Bethany asks for it every morning on her toast. Except, she can't say "Nutella"...sometimes she says "Tun-nella" but most of the time she says, "tella"..."Mommy, can I have peanut butter and tella on my toast?" Absolutely! It's not even chocolate! :)

Nutella has also become my go-to evening snack. I like to scoop a spoonful into a bowl and dip graham crackers in it. It is so good! And then I got to thinking: I bet you could even make a kind of cookie; graham cracker outside, with Nutella filling. And the name just came to me, thanks to my daughter: Tella-Grahams.

I have considered contacting the Ferrero company, who makes Nutella, to talk with them about my idea. It's crazy, but it just might work! What do you think? Try it yourself! Nutella is readily available in most supermarkets; you can find it where you find the peanut butter. Try breaking your graham crackers into fourths (go by the perforations on the cracker) and making "nutella cookies", or Tella-Grahams. And then tell me what you think! Give me feedback. Good idea? Original, or is it "so yesterday" and I didn't know it? I want lots of opinions, on both the snack itself, and how you think it would fare as an idea to try to sell to the Ferrero company. Thanks for participating!

1 comment:

  1. I think you should go for it! :) Why not?! The worst thing they can say is no.
